PMCI offers two tiers of membership to producers:
General members: Membership cost is $100.00 for class A stock (voting rights) that is approved by board of directors. This one time investment in the Co-op continues to work for you. Producer has access to all PMCI marketing options at the member commission rate. Member is eligible for patronage dividends from the marketing division based on participation.
Value added member: Grower purchases B-stock at the rate of 10 cents per pound of wool or mohair delivered to PMCI. This is a one time purchase that gives member all rights and privileges of Class A member and grower is eligible for patronage dividends from value added division. Stock is owned by producer can sell, give, or do what they want. Member must stay active. PMCI is here to market production behalf of grower.
Cooperative members elect directors to represent each nationwide geographic district. This board of directors develops and implements the cooperative’s major business decision. Management and staff conduct the cooperative’s day-to-day business.
Marketing Agreement Summary:
SALE OF PRODUCT:Not necessary to commit your entire product. Producers agree to deliver the poundage that they establish Producer commits title, not ownership so PMCI can be member’s agent.
DELIVERY: Member agrees in good faith to deliver product and notify PMCI of any changes. May deliver to cooperating warehouse of their choice. Producer may receive an advance payment $.60 on mohair, $.30 on fine wool and $.15 on cross-bred and black face.
GRADING AND SORTING: If market conditions warrant, PMCI may grade/sort product at producer’s cost. This would be done, only if return would justify cost involved. Growers that grade/sort at ranch are not charged. You do not pay for others grading.
MARKETING OF PRODUCTS: To maximize producer return and allow PMCI to market product.
PROCEEDS OF SALE: PMCI deposit money in interest bearing account until disbursement. May make partial payment to allow for season/annual averaging of like products to remove effects of spot market.
AUTHORIZED EXPENSE: Every member shares in expenses based on volume at $.02/lb for overhead/operating expenses. Warehouse expense will be deducted and paid by PMCI. Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers and Mohair Council dues will be deducted at request of producer.
CLASS "B" STOCK: Used for capital development is a one time purchase. Based on $.10/lb. of product marketed through Co-op. Grower is eligible for value added division patronage.
CAPITAL RETAINS: Used for operating capital so the Co-op can serve the members better. The amount of capital retain is $.05 for mohair and $.03 for wool per pound. It is intent of board to be on a five year retirement.
PATRONAGE DIVIDEND: Profits of the Co-op are paid back to the growers. At present 20% of patronage is paid in cash payment and the balance to be paid at later date. Board intention is for a five year retirement.
ASSIGNMENT: Producer agrees that PMCI shall have the right to borrow money on the security of the products (greasy or value added) producer delivered to PMCI to assist with marketing efforts that benefit the grower. Producer and lienholder are responsible for delivering written notice of any lien that is on product delivered to PMCI.
TERM: This agreement shall continue in effect from year to year unless terminated in writing by Producer in months of November and December. The board of directors can act on producer’s request for termination at any time.
AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS: Producer may be asked to provide essential information only if necessary.
BREACH OF AGREEMENT: Good faith effort on estimated pounds of product to be delivered.
INDEMNITY: No fault clause.