Producers Marketing Cooperative, Inc


Serving the Sheep and Goat Producer.

About PMCI

PMCI is a cooperative that is producer owned and operated.  Membership is for producers that are actively engaged in the production of wool and mohair. PMCI is a group of producers (app. 320 at present) that want to work together to improve their industry, have a vision for themselves and their industry, have an open mind, and a cooperative spirit.

HISTORY:  PMCI was officially organized in July 1995.  American Wool and Mohair co-op merged with PMCI in December 1995.  Producers Marketing Coop. Inc. formed in fall of 1996 to handle non-member product and joint ventures.  TEXSA, a limited partner ship was established in fall 1996 allowing PMCI to market finished goods containing grower mohair and wool.

Cooperative members elect directors to represent each nationwide geographic district.  This board of directors develops and implements the cooperative’s major business decision.  Management and staff conduct the cooperative’s day-to-day business.

PMCI can offer:

  • More markets and marketing options

  • Technical assistance in wool preparation and packaging

  • Access to fiber diameter technology for genetic selection (OFDA 2000) and marketing (Fleece Scan)

  • Do not limit your marketing options by selling to one buyer. Let PMCI help you market your wool and mohair to the best buyer.

  • PMCI can make offers daily to allow for quick marketing.

  • PMCI can file all your loan or LDP paperwork.

PMCI efforts and strategies include:

  • Marketing product in consolidated matched lots.

  • Assisting producers in product preparation.

  • Grower owned value added.

  • Industry support.

Marketing Grower Product

  • Implement efficient and effective marketing strategies.

  • Implement efficient and effect distribution system.

  • Continue to develop strategic alliances with other industry segments.

Come by or call for details regarding any topic listed.

Local: 325-835-7173 or 1-888-USA-WOOL

Fax: 325-835-7174 Contact: Ronald Pope

P.O. Box 255 Mertzon, Texas |